Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Support and Caring for a Person with Dementia Essay Example for Free

Support and Caring for a Person with Dementia Essay The patient presents with dementia, poor posture (her chin close to her chest) and dislikes solids, there for has to be assisted to feed and chooses only to consume liquids. Her communication skills are also poor and doesn’t have the capacity to engage in a flowing conversation but has the ability to answer a question using the words ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or by saying individual words. I was given the task of feeding the patient at lunch time as she requires one to one support at meal times due to her lack of willingness to consume solids and fluids. It is extremely important to maintain good fluid intake to reduce the chance of dehydration which could contribute to increased confusion in a dementia patient. To prevent this, patient H has a daily fluid chart which is filled in every time fluids are consumed as a way of effectively monitoring her intake of fluids. I informed patient H it was meal time and directed her to her chair by her bedside, supporting her to sit and positioned a bedside table over her chair. H expresses distress and agitation when sitting in the dining room at meal times with the other patients therefor patients H’s preferences are respected by supporting her to feed at her bed area. I put a plastic green apron on her to protect her clothes and maintain her dignity, washed my hands and put a green apron over my own clothing for hygiene purposes in accordance with my wards food hygiene policy. As the patient only consumes fluids I got a Fortisip drink from the fridge, poured it into a handled plastic cup and added a straw. Fortisip drinks have a high nutritional and energy value and are used as meal replacement in cases such as this patient. I communicated with the patient verbally in an encouraging manner and held the cup and directed the straw to her mouth. I did this at several intervals, making sure I left a sufficient time in between sips to enable her to swallow the contents of the liquid, encouraging conversation throughout. After drinking three quarters of the cup the patient refused to open her mouth to take the straw and shouted ‘no’ and got up out of her chair which at this point I praised the patient and relocated the cup on the table. I chatted in general conversation with her to give her sufficient time to digest her intake then offered her further fluids to which she stated ‘no more’. Satisfied she had had enough, I removed her apron and directed her to the lounge area and then discussed the task with my mentor. Feelings/thoughts Before I started this task I felt slightly anxious as it was the first time I had supported this patient on a one to one basis. I was unsure of how she would react to me as I was an unfamiliar face to her in relation to her feeding and I had previously witnessed her being very verbally aggressive, trying to leave her chair and showing signs of frustration during meal times with other trained, experienced staff on the ward. Throughout the task I felt my confidence increased as the patient was fairly compliant with what I was trying to achieve, this made me become more relaxed and less anxious which I feel eased the mood of the whole experience. After completing the task I felt satisfied that I had achieved what was required whilst undertaking a person-centred personalised approach to meet the needs of the patient. Evaluation I felt that I achieved the desired outcome which was to ensure the patient consumed an adequate volume of fluids during meal time whilst promoting a person – centred approach to their care as I ensured the patient enjoyed and consumed her meal through liquid form with a suitable aid which is her preference to enable easier consumption. In order to meet patient’s needs I required a straw, cup, appropriate meal supplement and syringe which are all aids I used during the task. If I hadn’t prepared her meal in liquid form then the patient would have been unable to consume her meal which would result in dehydration, hunger and lack of sufficient nutrients absorbed into her body to enable her to function normally. I felt I could have been more organised with the task as I felt I interrupted the flow of the task by leaving the table on a couple of occasions to retrieve required items. I should have had the meal supplement already poured in the cup with straw to hand at the table along with the oral syringe before directing the patient to get seated in her chair. If I had done this I feel I would have been much more focused on the patient which would have been a more positive experience for the patient. Analysis In order to reduce my anxiety of the task I feel it would have been beneficial to have spent more time interacting with the patient on a general basis before supporting her with feeding. This would have provided a more natural transition into the task effectively creating a more relaxed experience for the patient. This would enabled me to have an even better person centred approach as I would have known what works well and what doesn’t work so well in regards to feeding the patient concerned. Conclusion I feel that the patient received a good standard of person centred care in regards to her mealtime. It is important that the patient feels included and valued within the ward and I feel this is met by ensuring she has one to one support during mealtimes in an area where she feels most comfortable. However, it is also important to note that there may be occasions where the patient would rather not be situated at her bed area and her behaviour of standing up and removing herself from the chair may indicate this. I understood this behaviour was the patient’s way of expressing that she didn’t want any more intake, where in reflection it could have been an indication that she was unhappy with the current surroundings or the temperature for example. My mentor was satisfied that I had taken a person-centred personalised approach to the task as I had met and taken into account the patient emotional, metal and physical needs by tailoring her meal time experience using appropriate aids and the environment to create a positive experience which took her preferences into consideration. Action plan In future I will aim to forward plan more and ensure I have all required resources to hand to enable me to dedicate my time and use my time with the patient more effectively. This will ensure that I make the best use of my time which will allow me to support my team effectively and also ensure that the patient feels completely valued and display to them that I am competent and focused on the task I am supporting them with. It would also be beneficial for me to interact with the patient if possible before undertaking a task which would relax the patient and help them feel at ease. I have had previous experience of this skill as I have worked in the social care sector for many years but have found having this opportunity to reflect on my practice through the use of the Gibb’s model of reflection valuable and given me awareness of how I can develop this skill further to benefit the patient.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Media Bias and Concentration Essay -- Politics Political Television TV

Media Bias and Concentration After witnessing a hotly contested election and the massive amounts of campaigning done by both parties in effort to inform the public and reach as many voters as possible, one question still remains poignant: Where do we get our information? The myriad landscape that is the media today, can be accessed from almost anywhere, and has, in many ways, entrenched itself in American culture, replacing what used to be standard outlets of information. Television and print news have long dominated the average American household in terms of being used to access information, but new outlets, like the internet and film have grown into major ways in which people learn about what is happening in the world. The emergence of so many varied sources of information, however, and the ever-growing accessibility of unchecked information raises a different question; not so much the source of our information but rather, what is the quality of the information we are getting? Mass media has long had an influe nce on society and an in depth look at its most popular forms today would most definitely reveal several glaring inequities in the way TV networks, print media, and internet websites communicate information. Many media sources are slanted, one way or another, in their views and coverage of people and events. Everette Dennis once stated that objectivity is what sets apart American mass media from the rest of the world and is one of the most important precepts of American journalism (103). In present times, however, media that provides completely impartial analysis of the facts is either hard to find, or deemed incredible. The fact of the matter is that in a large portion of mass media outlets what is best described as obj... ...lt;http://www.consortiumnews.com/2002/111302a.html>. Population Explosion InternetNews. 2 Dec. 2004 . Posters from WWII. San Jose State University. 2 Dec. 2004 . Sinclair Broadcast Group refuses to broadcast Nightline episode on fallen soldiers. Center for Media & Democracy. 1 Dec. 2004 . Taylor, Philip M. Munitions of the mind. New York City: Manchester UP, 2003. 315-318. The Big Ten. The Nation. 2 Dec. 2004 . Top News Sites. American Press Institute. 21 Nov. 2004 . Why Not? Personal Computer Services. 2 Dec. 2004 .

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Blunders and Thanks

I have always been fascinated by the rich and famous. They looked so much in control of every situation they were in. They exude a certain aura of power and many people just simply adore them. I will not try to pretend that I knew a lot of this people but in the community where I was living, a youngish couple who owned the largest construction supply business happened to live there, in a three-storey building and I often watched them with awed interest. I have bought a few things in their store and their office paneled in glass looked so grand.The second floor of the building is a showcase for home furnishings and looking at the prices of their goods only the rich could afford them, I’d mused. I learned from people talking that the third floor is their residence and as people talk, they said that it was a state of the art home, deserving for the very rich. The husband drove the grandest car in this part of our town and every morning I watch him drove to some place, attache cas e in hand, looking impressive and successful. The young wife stayed and manned the office and she too took the kind of self-assured look her husband radiates. The young couple was my inspiration.I would like to own a business one day and like them, I would be powerful too. From their looks, I believed that money brings satisfaction and contentment, happiness too. A lot of times when I daydream, I would picture myself in the fashion of the young couple’s situation, very much contented and in control over my business, employees and in every deal I have for my business. Judging from the meager income I earned from my job, the prospect looked bleak and oftentimes, I would feel frustrated. I was taking the ferry to the city and while waiting for the boat to leave, I was engaged with those day dreams again.I was deep into it when I noticed that familiar car getting at the 2 gangplank and the driver hurrying to open the passenger seat. Out came the young wife of the businessman carr ying a small bag. She is taking the boat and she is alone. She looked so chic with that small black dress and oversized Jackie O sunglasses. I lost her when she gets into the ferry. I was about to continue with my fantasy when a familiar voice roused me. â€Å"Is this seat taken? † It was her, looking a bit lost. â€Å"No,† I told her as she sat beside me. I am taking this trip alone. My husband arranged a car to fetch me at the pier. You go to our store sometimes didn’tyou? † I am surprised she noticed. â€Å"Yes,† I told her. I would have added, â€Å"I am your fan† least I would look stupid. â€Å"I am going to my husband’s youngest brother’s funeral. † â€Å"He will be buried today. † â€Å"Yes, she continued without waiting for me to ask, he is very young† â€Å"He is a special child you know and his family committed him into an institution. † There is a peculiar way about the way she talked to m e. We were not talking really. She expected me to listen and be attentive to her chat away. She did not even look at me. She talked about being bored to death at the store. She complained about the monotonous chores she have todo every day of her life including Sunday lunches at her husband’s family country house. She confessed about being jealous at people who have time to spend weekends at bars and cafes having good times with friends and meeting strangers. In-between confessions and complains she would get a call from somebody and they would talk for a minute or two. Some of those calls were from their office and others from the party of the funeral judging from her conversations on her phone. I was surprised with my reaction with her. The very first time I am nearest the person I so admired and she talked to me of things I considered so personal andbetween close friends only yet I do not feel the inspiration I expected to feel. I felt so drained. I 3 felt that this woman seeped my strength like a vampire sucking blood from her victims. The boats horn sounded signaling we have reached our destination. â€Å"You are going to the city aren’t you? † she asked, â€Å"You can share a ride with me, I’d be bored alone in that car,† she added. Instinct told me to say no and I did. â€Å"I am meeting someone in the pier,† I lied. â€Å"I would take the bus but thanks anyway and leave hurriedly away. â€Å"So much for the rich and famous,† I thought so amused.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Importance Of A Multicultural Education And How A...

For past field experiences, I chose to volunteer at Oasis Catà ³lico. However, although I have had a very formative experience with that program and chose to continue volunteering for them this semester, I decided to add an additional volunteer placement to my schedule. Due to the fact that, on a lucky day at Oasis, tutors may have to work with only two students rather than four, I wanted to have a volunteer experience where I could focus all of my attention on one student for the whole entire semester. I specifically wanted to remain with the same student for the entirety of the program so that I could develop a personal relation with him or her. With those desired conditions in mind, I chose to volunteer with the Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE). Within this placement, I expected to observe various critical issues in education in play. I predicted that I would learn about the importance of a multicultural education and how a student’s race and ethnicity influences the manner in which they are perceived by other teachers and students who may not share the same race and/or ethnicity; I hoped to witness firsthand how the immigration status of a student may affect his or her motivation in school; Finally, I anticipated witnessing culturally relevant teaching through the assignments that the students received and how the tutors interacted with their tutees. CLASE is a two-day-a-week after school tutoring and mentoring program for third- toShow MoreRelatedMulticultural Education Should Promote Cultural Consciousness, Empower Intercultural Awareness931 Words   |  4 Pagesgoal of social justice agenda as a result. It is important to mention that the community immersion experiences are and important companion for the multicultural education classes ( Sleeter, 2001). 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